Wedding Story: Abby and Alan


 I sure do love photographing the Whitt Family.  I first met these wonderful people when Abby's sister Leah reached out to be about a family shoot a little while back.  I remember that Alan hung around and watched part of the shoot but was not in the pictures.  Then I got the great news that Abby and Alan were engaged and we were thrilled that we were available for their date!  Abby and Alan have some great history - they have known each other a LONG time.  They actually sang together in a PTA meeting when they were little.  Abby always thought Alan was annoying while they grew up together... until one day during Thanksgiving break after going off to college, they reconnected at a mutual friend's house.  Suddenly they both contacted this friend, interested in each other.  And here we are... celebrating their wedding!  I love it when a couple has known each other for years and years.  Abby and Alan got married at Cloverdale Quarters in Virginia, which is gorgeous!  Abby changed her necklace after the ceremony to show off her new initials.  They toasted each other with bottled Dr. Peppers - the last ones bottled in Texas.  The rain did not stop Abby and Alan from having the autumn wedding of their dreams... and what an honor it was to be a part of it!!

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Wedding Story: NC Museum of Art


Family Story