Wedding Story: Jayna and Willie Blue (April)

Jayna and Willie (aka "Blue") had a beautiful wedding day that the lovely April shot for Story Photographers.   As I mentioned in their engagement shoot post (you can see Jayna's bridal here), Jayna and I grew up in church together and were always close friends.  It is so awesome to watch childhood friends do adult things, you know?  Jayna looked stunning on her big day and Blue, well, he could not be any sweeter.

Can you stand it?!  Blue's face was priceless seeing Jayna for the first time coming down the aisle!

Jayna's father passed away so she and her half brother lit a candle together to honor him...

Jayna's grandfather officiated the ceremony- so special!

Jayna has been smiling like that for years:

Ofcourse the guests are smiling!  They were looking at the newly weds...


The rain held off just long enough for the ceremony and formal pictures to be completed...

Told you Blue was a sweet sweet man!

I LOVE the idea of giving guests trees to plant.  One of my favorite favors that I see couples give at weddings.

Jayna and Blue, we love you two!  We were so glad April could be there to document your beautiful wedding day.  Can't wait for you to see the rest!!


Love Story: Jessica and Brett


Personal Story: Spring turns to summer in our yard!