Personal Story: Spring turns to summer in our yard!

One of my first photography loves, other than photographing people, was macro photography in my yard.  A couple of times a year I have to just stop what I am doing, grab my camera and walk into the yard.  Last year I shared our yard in early spring, this year I wanted to show you spring turning into summer in our yard.

I really wasn't a big "yard person" until David and I started renting where we live now.  Our landlord gives us some freedom on our side of the yard to plant a few things here and there.  It is so nice to walk outside and connect with nature that way.  Seriously, it's cheesy but true.

These first ten images come from one pot on my porch.  I bought a pack of seeds called "Fairy Flowers" and thought that sounded wonderful.  Turns out this means that the flowers that are blooming are all tiny varieties... which I LOVE!

I have never seen this flower before it popped up in this mix.  Don't the petals looks like tissue paper?

Our green onions make cool flowers...

We have two different types of lavender thriving in our yard... and the bumble bees LOVE it.

I love lamb's ear... just shot a wedding where the bride's bouquet had lamb's ear in it- GORGEOUS!  BRILLIANT!

If you are friends with me on Facebook you know that we LOVE our little veggie garden.  It is so satisfying growing your own food-- we are hooked!  I love the curly grabbing tendrils of the cucumber plant....

Our first tomatoes of the year...

Last year we got a surprise pumpkin plant that grew out of our compost.  We had on purpose chosen NOT to compost pumpkins seeds from our jack-o-lantern, but did compost the shell.  Somehow a seed made it's way into our compost and from that plant we got ten small-mid sized pumpkins.  We had so much fun with that so we decided to compost our entire pumpkins after Halloween was over.  This year we have three very healthy pumpkin vines growing out of our compost... we're about to have a pumpkin patch!

My favorite-- blue hydrangeas.

Vibrant day lillies...

One of my favorite interactive plants in our yard is our huge lemon verbena bush.  I love the smell it leaves on my hands.


Wedding Story: Jayna and Willie Blue (April)


Social Story: AMF Soiree