Family Story: Why Family Pictures Are Important.

I received an email yesterday that just made me cry from Susan (pictured above with her Grandmother during a shoot I did last fall) about the importance of doing family pictures, even once you are all adults....

" Hi Ashley,

I just wanted to share this with you, and anyone considering a family shoot with you.  Last Monday, my grandmother passed away after struggling with the sudden onset of Parkinson's symptoms.  I am so grateful to have these pictures.  Especially this one {the above picture}.  Thanks again for making this possible.  And for anyone considering doing a family shoot, it's so worth it!  You tend to stop taking family pictures as snapshots after kids grow up, so don't miss your chance to have something to hold on to, whether its months or 40 years later when you need it."


Baby Story: Daphne at One Month Old


Family Story: The Long Family