Family Story: The Long Family

When you know there is a three year old and an eighteen month old in a shoot, you better be ready for high energy and little interest in picture taking.  It's just that age's nature!  The Long family is so sweet and these boys did so good despite wanting to be free and just run run run.

Bryson and Ethan are so stinkin' cute!

See?  Easily distractible.  As a photographer you have to work quickly to capture anything of this age group, especially the eighteen month old.  That is the toughest age ever to photograph in my humble opinion.  They don't understand bribery yet and are mobile enough to get themselves outta' there if they aren't having fun!

Sometimes you just have to go with the silliness that happens in a good moment (see sock feet below)...

Ethan did such a good job!  He must have had preschool pictures taken- look at this sweet little hand placement!

This family is super into baseball and the guys showed off their throwing and catching skills for me...

There were tons of bumble bees loving this huge plot of lavender.  The boys were super interested in their work-- so much so that Bryson even petted a bee while it was hard at work!

Counting how old we are...

Thanks for a fun morning, Long family!!


Family Story: Why Family Pictures Are Important.


Family Story: The Whitt Family