Family Story: The Tatum Family

tatumsblog-0001So the Tatum family is in the running to become the most photographed and blogged family for Story Photographers, which is awesome because they also happen to be our close friends.  You can look at their last shoot here, where I linked up the other five or so times they've been on the blog.  I've had a camera in both of their kids faces since they were born and so when you add that to the fact that the kids know me so well it means that sometimes they are easier to photograph… but then sometimes it's harder because they want me to be in the pictures too.  Which is an honor and is adorable and makes me want to just eat these kids up.  I LOVE being in my friend's kids worlds!!  This time around the Tatum's decided to do the shoot in two places that are a big part of their every day lives - church and  home.  This is the church that Lydia works at and where the kids go to preschool.  They are in this building almost every day!  Then we headed home to make Lydia's famous chocolate chip cookies and to play on the neighborhood playground with their new puppy.  You might have seen the post on Facebook, but this is the family with the super smart five year old that told me he wanted a picture of just his parents together so he can remember them when he is old.  He gets it.  He totally gets it.tatumsblog-0002tatumsblog-0003tatumsblog-0004tatumsblog-0005tatumsblog-0006tatumsblog-0007tatumsblog-0008tatumsblog-0009tatumsblog-0010tatumsblog-0011tatumsblog-0012tatumsblog-0013tatumsblog-0014tatumsblog-0015tatumsblog-0016tatumsblog-0017tatumsblog-0018tatumsblog-0019tatumsblog-0020tatumsblog-0021tatumsblog-0022tatumsblog-0023tatumsblog-0024tatumsblog-0025tatumsblog-0026tatumsblog-0027tatumsblog-0028tatumsblog-0029


Personal Story: Spring


Personal Story: Wedding Shows