Family Story: The Rich Family and The Royal Family

RRF095I know how important it is to find friends that are family, and this crew has done just that. You've seen the Rich family here multiple times (family shoot and holiday mini shoot), and we captured major milestones for the Royals (wedding, legal wedding, and newborn).There were two other families on vacay with them. one couldn't attend the shoot, and the other was also in the shoot but has two foster kids. I have loved photographing so many foster families this year but I hate I can't share the images with you because they are so stinkin' cute!Lest you think this shoot was all sunshine and smiling kids, here's a text I got after they saw their images: "Girl. That evening was an absolute show, and you made it look like we were all happily frolicking in that beautiful light. I am even more impressed than usual!" HARRF001RRF008RRF010RRF012RRF016RRF020RRF023RRF027RRF029RRF033RRF036RRF083RRF087RRF088RRF092RRF093RRF097RRF098RRF102RRF104RRF105RRF107RRF123RRF126RRF129RRF144RRF148RRF150 


Commercial Story: Three Oaks Behavioral Health & Wellness


Wedding Story: Amanda & Megan