Family Story: Ashley & Nate’s Surprise Baby Shower

A&N_0012s_650Y’all, this story is sweet and unique from start to finish.I was first referred to this job through a couple I adore, who happens to be friends with one of the women throwing this surprise baby shower. Later, when I talked directly to the person throwing the shower, I figured out that it was actually being thrown for a Story Photographers wedding couple, Ashley and Nate, whose family I have photographed a ton! What. How fun is that?!!Then I read the description of the shower and I was SO. STINKING. EXCITED. I mean, it's so good, y’all. All of these friends met during their time at Meredith College and they were all in the theater department together. This wasn't going to be just any socially distanced, front yard baby shower...  OH NO, this was a Broadway diva themed baby shower!Each friend dressed up as a famous Broadway diva with their own picnic blanket (many with props) as their stage. In the email I received about the surprise event, it was described to me as, "we'll be dressing up as famous Broadway divas, doing a skit, and a song. Each of us will be on our own picnic blanket spread across the lawn, bestowing our 'gifts' to the baby, à la the Sleeping Beauty Fairy Godmothers." UM, OF COURSE I WANT TO PHOTOGRAPH THIS MAGIC. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!The day of the surprise baby shower and shoot was BEAUTIFUL weather. I rolled up to the event and recognized two other people I knew from other weddings I've photographed, which is always super fun. The big surprise was pulled off FLAWLESSLY and, my goodness, there wasn't a dry eye in the house... From the laughter AND the tears of love! Y’all, I cried through the whole dang thing!! The creativity!! The talent!! The depth of love between these friends!! I am super impressed with these women. They closed the show portion of the shower with them all singing a song together and, after I snapped a few pictures, I had to record it because it was just so lovely. And, also, I cried even more. ((Watch the video!))In this season of disappointment and loss and longing and loneliness... Moments like this of creativity born from the need to show love and celebration, even during a pandemic, are what will get us through intact.Wishing all the best to Ashley & Nate on their growing family! A&N_0001s_650A&N_0002s_650A&N_0007s_650A&N_0008s_650A&N_0015s_650A&N_0023s_650A&N_0025s_650A&N_0030s_650A&N_0034s_650A&N_0038s_650A&N_0043s_650A&N_0045s_650A&N_0048s_650A&N_0051s_650A&N_0053s_650A&N_0055s_650A&N_0064s_650A&N_0072s_650A&N_0074s_650A&N_0076s_650A&N_0088s_650A&N_0091s_650A&N_0097s_650A&N_0098s_650A&N_0099s_650A&N_0109s_650A&N_0118s_650A&N_0131s_650 


Commercial Story: Meg’s Story Shoot


Family Story: Phil & Bernardo Adoption Application