Family Story: Phil & Bernardo Adoption Application

P&B_0072s_650Phil & Bernardo are adopting a baby!When Phil reached out to ask me to do their adoption application photoshoot, I was SO excited. I got to photograph them at home, with their dogs, to show who they are to anyone that might choose them in the adoption process. These two are so full of love! I can only imagine what incredible parents they are going to be. I really can’t wait to shoot their future family photos! You can follow the link below to visit Phil & Bernardo's profile, where you can learn more about them and their adoption journey.Phil was kind enough to share some words around their experience and adoption journey:

Bernardo and I dated for eight years before we finally eloped to tie the knot in Maui, and even on our first date we talked about our dreams to become dads. During that time, we met Ashley when she shot our friends’ Britney and Bryan’s wedding. We fell in love with her kindness and spirit, her great photos, and her unabashed support for marriage equality (this was pre-Obergefell). We knew then that Story Photographers would be our choice to shoot all the great moments of our lives, and even referred other friends, Corey and Stuart, to her to shoot their wedding.This past Christmas morning, after we finished our traditional breakfast of French toast and oranges and exchanged a few gifts before waiting for family to arrive for lunch, we realized that something was missing… The joy of kids. That’s when we decided that it was time for us to start our adoption journey.  After we signed with our agency, we learned we needed a professionally-shot profile. We knew who we were going to turn to for that!Ashley was fantastic to work with, especially with working through COVID-19’s impact on scheduling. She helped us feel comfortable on camera and tolerated our dog’s, Phoebe and Tabasco, shenanigans. We feel so happy to finally have had her shoot us, and we are so incredibly pleased with the product.You may check out our profile at, or if any birth families see this and want to learn more about us, contact our agency at achildshope [dot] com. Our adoption journey has just started, but we are excited to work with Ashley again soon for our birth announcements!



Family Story: Ashley & Nate’s Surprise Baby Shower


Commercial Story: PHC Restoration