When I say this has been a long time comin’, that is absolutely no exaggeration whatsoever. We have been working towards this for a long time and we are proud to be releasing this new home base for our work out into the world!

It is more clear to me now than ever that what we bring to the table as photographers is our passion for story telling. Hello, it’s in the name. We want to go beyond the question of “can they take a good picture” to “will they be able to translate who we are into a photograph”. Can you feel our heart and purpose on these freshly designed pages? That your story is important and worth telling? That we want to get to know you so that you feel comfortable to be yourself with us, allowing us to photograph you well?  That’s what we wanted to do here in this updated space, to show you that your story is uniquely beautiful and worth photographing…. your family, your wedding, your business, YOU. You are unique in your beauty & story, and it’s our honor to be invited to walk alongside of you to help tell it (whether that be for one shoot or for many shoots over many years). 

Thank you so much Emily Davidson for taking this journey with us to create a custom website that felt true to us! We are in love! We are thankful for your patience, time, energy and talents. Thank you Becca, Martha, Anson, Adria, Lin and Hayatt for the ways that you are making this launch amazing behind the scenes and being a part of this incredible SP family. And thank YOU, beautiful one reading this, for all the ways you help us survive and thrive as a business. Gratitude upon gratitude upon gratitude!

Whatcha think about our new space??

Check out our STUNNING new promotional video that the super talented Anson & Co created for us


Engagement Story: Sara Beth and Jake


Family Story: The Kennedy Family & Senior Shoot