Welcome to Story Photographers, Toni!

Story Photographer's new hire Toni ChesterAs we march into year 15 for Story Photographers, it's incredible to think about all the people we've photographed, the places we've been, the connections we've made, and all the stories we have told. It's been a time to reflect on all that has changed — the ways that we have changed as people, the ways the industry has changed, the ways that we feel our business changing. So, what's changing around here? We are getting more specific. We are getting more specific about the kinds of stories we want to tell and how we want to tell them. We are making changes to show you, more specifically, all the ways that we can tell your story — for you individually, with your partner, with your family, at your workplace, etc. We love what we do and we love this season of energized clarity and subtle change for us. I, personally, am getting more specific in what parts of this job bring me the most joy and what parts of the job I need to let someone else do.In comes Toni. Becca and I try to stay honest and specific about what tasks we want to do and can do, and what tasks we should be giving to someone else. When we learned that Leah was moving on in a different, exciting direction, Becca and I took some time to think through what that position looks like and how we could grow it. We knew we needed/wanted a project manager, social media content/newsletter/blog manager, graphic design experienced "creative," who also would fit in well with the work culture we've got going on around here. I posted the job in my instastories only (that was on purpose! #strategy) and got so many incredible responses. The decision was tough.Toni brings so much to the SP team. I am excited for all the projects we've got cooking and all the ways she's stepping in to help make those plans happen. Becca and I have loved her professionalism and how she feels like she's been our friend already for a really long time (we like that kind of vibe around here). We love talking Enneagram in the workplace (ooo that should be a podcast episode, amiright?). Toni, we are so excited to have you on board with us!P.S. – This headshot of Toni was taken at a See Her Story event. I am so thankful to have Becca and Toni working for me! They are two women of integrity that are so freaking talented and smart. They walk with me not only in the professional parts of this job, but also in the heart-centered parts of this job. Because this is not just a business to me... This is an extension of who I am.


Commercial Story: NCMA Valentine’s Day Dinner at Iris


Commercial Story: LNC Forum 2020