Wedding Story: Keri and Ryan

Sweet Keri and Ryan!   I was so looking forward to shooting this wedding with April on a brisk October morning.  Keri and Ryan are so easy going.  They have an awesome sense of humor and are so loving to each other and those around them.  It was not hard to see that those around them LOVE them back!  These two got married in the Longview Center and then walked to their lunch reception at Cafe Luna.

The green and black?  LOVE IT.

See?  There was some big love happening at this wedding...

These leaves made me giddy.

My view:

April's view:

Y'all KNOW I had to have them lay in these amazing leaves.  Had to.  And I am proud to report that Keri did not get anything on her dress.  Boom.

And there's how I did it (thanks April).  I am a shorty with short arms so I have to use my 17-35mm 2.8 all the way out at 17mm.  April did get a really unflattering picture of me laying on the ground to dry the leaves for Keri but we aren't sharing that here ;)


Family Story: Winnell Family


Family Story: Alice-Kate!