Wedding Story: Jim and Alyson


 One of the biggest honors of doing what we do is getting to tell the stories of people that we love.  Jim (known to David as Jimmy) was one of David's best friends growing up (and is actually a distant cousin) and a groomsman in our wedding.  We were thrilled to be a part of this wedding day!  The ceremony and reception were held at the stunning Pippin Hill Vineyard and Farm in  Charlottesville, VA -- LOVED this venue!  The reception was bee themed, complete with a local honey tasting station and "be" themed table names.  So much sweetness on this day!!


 David had to hop in a picture with Jim and his best man.


 Jim and Alyson both have two siblings of the same gender so it made balancing their bridal party easy - two siblings and a BFF on each side.


 During the ceremony, Jim and Alyson locked letters that spoke of their love here at the beginning of their marriage and bottles of wine into a special box.  They were given instructions to open the box and read the letters if they hit a rough patch or once they hit a major anniversary.


 Get outta' here with that view, right?!


 One of Alyson's sisters was kind enough to lend them her sweet ride as the getaway car...



Raleigh Story: The Merrimon-Wynne House


Family Story: West Sisters Families