
Family Ashley Stephenson Family Ashley Stephenson

Family Story: The Konrad Family

This was a fun one. The last two times you saw this family on the blog were for Curtis and Katie’s high school senior shoots. Now Curtis is married! They didn’t get all the family pictures they wanted on their wedding day, so they had me come out to do a family shoot to gift to their mom…

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Family Ashley Stephenson Family Ashley Stephenson

Family Story: Fogleman Extended Family

Katie and her siblings threw a beautiful picnic birthday party for their mom at Duke Gardens. They decided it would be a great opportunity to do family pictures while having everyone in town and present for this sweet day. With four generations in one location for a special event, it is absolutely a good time to make a family shoot our of it…

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Family Ashley Stephenson Family Ashley Stephenson

Family Story: Welcome to the World, Baby N!

It’s so fun to welcome a new life into the world… and it’s especially fun for me when it’s a family I’ve been photographing since before they were married! And now they have TWO sweet baby girls who are just so precious. Big sister S was SO incredibly sweet with Baby N. She was all smiles and so happy to get to hold her baby sister…

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Family Ashley Stephenson Family Ashley Stephenson

Family Story: Weeks Extended Family

This was a fun one for so many reasons. This shoot was a surprise Christmas present for the matriarch of the family, when everyone was going to be all in one place at one time for a baby shower. The family gathered on family land to do pictures all together, of each family group, all the kids, and so many other combinations…

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Family Family

Family Story: Lewis Family Shoot at NCMA

Ashley has LOVED photographing the Lewis family as it has grown. Mom Caroline is a fellow creative, so we really appreciate all the ways she is down for whatever during the creative process of a shoot. This family shoot at the NCMA was such a fun, creative one. That golden light was absolute fall perfection!

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Family Family

Family Story: The Jones Family Shoot

What a fun fall shoot this was! Although Becca has photographed dad Scott with his band a few times… This was Becca’s first time photographing the Jones family! She was really happy he reached out to her for this new opportunity to shoot these family photos for him. Becca also had the joy of photographing their twin girls for this shoot. They were beyond cute!The Jones crew wanted the backdrop of their family photos to be their yard at their lovely Chapel Hill home. Honestly, their yard felt like you were in the mountains somewhere! Total fall perfection!

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