
Family Ashley Stephenson Family Ashley Stephenson

Family Story: The Fanning Family

This momma reached out to have photos made with her two teenagers at the NC Museum of Art. They’re friends of a friend and regular mini session client, and it was such a joy to catch smiles from these big kids with their mom…

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Family Ashley Stephenson Family Ashley Stephenson

Family Story: Baby H Baptism

You know I love when people create their own way…they create their own events and traditions…they shape what is most meaningful to them. The last time you saw this family on the blog, they were celebrating the baptism of Baby S in the park at the North Carolina Museum of Art. This time we are celebrating with them the baptism of Baby H in their family. This family gathers together family and close friends, out in nature, to set their intentions as parents, family, godparents, and supportive friends to raise Baby H in a particular way within this loving village. Shew! It’s just so beautiful!

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