See Her Story Fundraiser Celebrating Layers of Dignity

SHSLOD0063 This year we celebrated 5 YEARS of See Her Story fundraiser events. What an honor! We shook things up a little by doing the event totally different than any other year, and we did that by celebrating Layers of Dignity's first anniversary as a non-profit organization serving our community.I serve as a board member for Layers of Dignity, but, more importantly, I am friends with the two sisters who founded it. It was an honor to pull off the event with the Lara and Hayley and Becky Chapman of Lily Rose Events.Our amazing sponsors included: Whole Foods on Wade Avenue, Trader Joes, Scottish Graces, The Wine Feed, Trophy Brewing, The Lost Garden, Lauren McKay Interiors, The Greenhouse Picker Sisters, Kris Johnson, Margie Hanks and a HUGE thanks to Lily Rose Events.It is so exciting to see people gather together to help support people in the tougher chapters of their stories, while also celebrating their own story. This is such an honor to witness.  Lara and Hayley of Layers of Dignity asked me to speak on their behalf to share what they've accomplished in their first year and to dream about what's to come in their second year. Here's a brief snapshot of what I shared:

Often victims of sexual assault are not ready to invite anyone into their pain, so they might not have a resource for providing clothing to them in that moment. This must be a gut-wrenching blow to what is already an event that pulls apart your dignity, bit by bit. Layers of Dignity saw a need and has beenmeeting that need in an incredible way. They assemble and deliver beautiful, dignity filled totes to hospitals and crisis centers that treat sexual assault survivors. These totes provide brand new clothes, flip flops, toiletries, a resource bag, and a handwritten note from a fellow survivor. Yall they do this for free forthese hospitals and crisis centers. They saw the need for clothes in this critical moment in a person’s life and chose to not only meet the need but to provide actual layers of dignity for this person. They meet their immediate needs, give them tools for their future when they are ready, and they show them that they arenot alone in this journey they are suddenly on. That’s incredible. Out of the ashes of their own personal experiences comes the beauty that is this nonprofit.

Learn how you can help support Layers of Dignity at their website.SHSLOD0002SHSLOD0006SHSLOD0011SHSLOD0014SHSLOD0016SHSLOD0020SHSLOD0026SHSLOD0027SHSLOD0031SHSLOD0036SHSLOD0041SHSLOD0047SHSLOD0054SHSLOD0058SHSLOD0067SHSLOD0069SHSLOD0073SHSLOD0079


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