Personal Story: June

juneinstaOh June!  How hot was June?!  Not my favorite weather, people.  I feel like I need to move to Alaska to get a climate that feels like my natural habitat.  But don't worry, I won't be moving to Alaska because I like Raleigh, NC too much to leave.  I'm a Raleigh girl for life!  You can see my insta posts from each month in 2015 so far here: January, February, March, April, and May.  It's our hope that you can get to know us a little better through these monthly instagram recaps.  We feel like it's important that you choose your photographer not only based on their work but also your connection with them.* See those guys around my dining room table?  Those are the talented men of Young Yonder.  They practice in our garage once a week and y'all, remember me talking about those 100+ degree days?  THEY STILL PRACTICE IN THE GARAGE.  They are insane but it's because they are so passionate about this project - they just have to get together!  This evening it was a particularly hot one and David rewarded them with some banana pudding afterward.  We love having people in our home!* Aww!  David and I got to attend Brandi Carlile's NCMA show at the beginning of June.  Y'all, she's my FAVORITE and this was my sixth time seeing her live and like always, she blew everyone away with an amazing show.  David and I are lucky that we share a very similar taste in music so we can enjoy concerts together.* David and I love gardening and we've been looking for some Bee Balm to go in our yard for a few years now.  We were thrilled to finally find some at the NC Farmers Market this spring and even more thrilled to watch it bloom.  I posted this image on Father's Day.... in the past I have written about how hard Father's Day can be for me because of my own Dad taking his life in 2008.  This year I walked around in my yard, took this picture and remembered what a green thumb my Dad had.  So amidst all the bad stuff about my Dad's choice to leave this world, this year my mind chose to remember this one thing for me.* Hot weather means pool days, and let me tell you, the pool quickly became as hot as the sun it was baking in.  This did not stop my little brother.  He reminded me that he is from South Africa so the heat is no big deal to him.  That's fine, little one, but I don't want to get boiled up in a public pool, mmmmmk?* I had to post about it twice!  So this is a shot from the Brandi Carlile show at NCMA.  We LOVE concerts at the NCMA.  As creatives it's cool to do and attend anything in such an inspired place.  If you've never gone to their movies on the lawn (they were the first venue to do that around here, btw) then you must!* We love local and we love fresh, so when an ice cream place is named "Fresh. Local Ice Cream" (and it's only a couple of miles from your house) then you go all the time.  End of story.* THIS IS A BIG ONE!  On June 26th the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that all people have the right to marry.  Around here we have always said that we believe everyone's story is important and worth telling with our cameras.  We photograph all kinds of people who believe all different things, that look different and that love different kinds of people.* Around here we love Ashleys.  I am an Ashley and growing up there was always atleast one other Ashley in my class.  This Ashley in this picture with me is one of my most favorite Ashleys.  I've known her since middle school and was such good friends with her in high school.  We got to have lunch and it was just so good to catch up with someone who has known me for so long.  This Ashley is one of those people that truly embodies what it means to be a good friend.  I am so thankful that she is friends with me!* Last but not least, my little brother Thabiso LOVES hanging out with April's boys, which works good for her and I so we can hang out while they entertain themselves.  They don't get to hang out nearly enough but my goodness, they are always so sweet and funny together when they do.  It was a lot of work to get this one picture - you should see the outtakes - but thats what you get with kids that are raised around a ton of photographers... disrespect for the camera ;)


Family Story: The M Family


Family Story: The Teeter Family