Personal Story: February

febinstapostI have quickly caught on that doing this monthly insta-roundup on the blog is showing me how quickly time moves forward.  We have been booking weddings, meeting potential clients, and working on big picture items so that when spring comes around the corner, we will be ready.  February was a month of rest for us, and while I always need this time of rest, I don't always handle it well.  I work best when I am in work mode - lots to do, people to be around, plates to keep spinning, etc.  When I power down I just don't feel like myself.  I am learning the best ways for me to get the rest I need but still be me.  We had a few shoots here and there during the month but really we just enjoyed both mine (Ashley) and David's birthdays, time with both of our families, snow days.  We had great, unplanned conversations about who we are and what we are learning, as well as where we want to go in the future.  I enter into March ready to take on the year, ready to work with some amazing new clients and some beloved returning clients.Starting at the top, read each row from left to right...* David, April and I had the immense pleasure of photographing over 30 couples (and one mother/daughter date) on Valentines Day at the NC Museum of Art.  They do this awesome date night there for Valentines Day, that always sells out.  You get this amazing multi-course meal, and among other things, you get this amazing access to looking around one building of the art museum.  And then we have the honor of taking each couple's picture in front of their favorite work of art.  Can that be more fun?!* David and I spent time in Jacksonville for a long weekend helping set up and then enjoying his niece's birthday and birthday party.  Talk about time flying!  Whew!  When I look at this sweet little lady I just can't believe that she's already having conversations with me.  Being an aunt is the best!* Like I mentioned in last month's insta-post, music is so important to David and I both.  David has recently started a new band with some of his friends - Young Yonder.  After only about six practices together, the guys were given an opportunity for a show and they blew me away.  I am so proud of the art that David creates with his writing, voice and guitar skills.* My sweet little brother, who won't be "little" much longer, likes to occasionally go back in time and have us hold him like we did the few times we got to be with him at his orphanage when he was little.  Holding him like this always flashes me back to those few times that we did get to hold him when he was little, and how much our hearts ached when we had to go back to America and leave him in South Africa.  Then I can't help but be overwhelmed with gratitude that he is here now.* This is another shot from my nieces' birthday party.  Before we all left and went our different ways, we took a family picture together.  We so loved getting to be around David's family so much in February!* On my birthday I got SNOW so we decided to go with the rest of the state and make it a snow day (you have to purposefully decide these things when you work from home and are your own boss).  I got to have a day of favorites - breakfast, lots of "Will and Grace" watching, snuggles with my handsome husband, etc.* Then 9 days later we celebrated David's birthday with more snow!  We got another snow/ice day and enjoyed time together.  We weren't quite as relaxed since we had several huge limbs land all over our yard, as well as damaging our roof, but other than that we were thankful for the snuggle times.* I am so excited that my awesome cousin Megan is engaged!!  We've had a blast talking wedding plans, visiting venues, and pinning to her secret wedding board.  Because weddings are a large part of our world, we always want to make sure our family and good friends get the benefit of all of our knowledge and experience - though they know they can tell us to be quiet if we talk too much!* I tapped into a little child-like impulse on one of the snow days when I decided to suit up, go outside and just lay in the snow.  I know our northern friends think we are crazy in the south about snow.  And we might be.  But since we so rarely see an actual, pretty snow, it is still so magical to us.  It gets so quiet when it snows, and to lay in that stillness for just a moment is a gift.


Family Story: Welcome to the world, Babies F & A!


Engagement Story: Carole and Adam