Love Story: Jon & Amanda's Proposal Story

JMProposal-0005 copyOH my stars it was SO much fun to be a part of this proposal story.  Jon put so much time and effort into surprising Amanda and making the whole process so meaningful for her.  I was very impressed with him.  Jon and Amanda had their first real date/time to hang out at the farm where Jon was working at that time.  It really spoke to Jon that Amanda was willing to walk around on the farm with him and see what he had been up to.  The day of the proposal I arrived early and hid behind some tarp under a covered storage area.  I was SURE that Amanda could hear the clicking of my camera but she was so in the moment with Jon that she had no idea I was there - Jon had to point me out to her.  After the proposal (she said YES!), we took some pictures around the farm and then on to a park near by.  Jon kept the surprises rolling with art that he had made Amanda and props to use in their shoot.  How much do we love that?!  It really is such a cool part of the job that I get to witness these BIG life moments.  Amanda and Jon, we are so excited for you two!!!JMProposal-0007 copyJMProposal-0009 copyJMProposal-0010 copyJMProposal-0018 copyJMProposal-0024 copyJMProposal-0040 copyJMProposal-0043 copyJMProposal-0047 copyJMProposal-0050 copyJMProposal-0060 copyJMProposal-0061 copyJMProposal-0067 copyJMProposal-0080 copyJMProposal-0086 copyJMProposal-0089 copyJMProposal-0093 copyJMProposal-0095 copyJMProposal-0109 copyJMProposal-0115 copyJMProposal-0127 copyJMProposal-0132 copy 


Engagement Story: Augusta & Robert


Family Story: Welcome to the world, Baby H