Love Story: Brian and Melissa

Oh Melissa and Brian.  Did they know what they were getting into with me (Ashley)?? :)  Whether they knew it or not, they were up for anything!!  Brian's sister, Carolyn, bought them a gift card with us for an anniversary/love shoot.  These two are moving to Denver soon and wanted to have a shoot in their current city- Durham.

I always love getting newly weds (you can be called that until you've been married 5 years, right??) in front of the camera.  They are so comfortable with one another and showing their love is so easy...

Melissa and Brian strive to have an AWESOME door just like this some day...

These two wanted to make sure their shoot was unique... I'd say that was accomplished with the climbing of the "silo"!!

I am sooooooo crazy about this next set.  Super in love with them.

Brian and Melissa:  HONESTLY- I had the best time with you two!!  Back and forth, all over the American Tobacco Campus- so worth it!  I hope your move to Denver is so much fun- what an amazing city!  Here's to hoping I can get you two in front of the camera again some day :)


Business Story: We are growing…


Social Story: AMF Spring Soiree