Graduation Story: Micaiah

m&cblog-0001 copyThe sweet and beautiful Micaiah graduated from NC State this past weekend - congrats, lady!  I had a great time hanging out with her and her boyfriend Cortland on State's campus and downtown Raleigh.  We did some graduation pictures here, some head shots there, some cute couple pictures here and there.  Lots of good stuff happened in front of the camera!m&cblog-0002 copym&cblog-0003 copym&cblog-0004 copym&cblog-0005 copym&cblog-0006 copym&cblog-0007 copym&cblog-0008 copym&cblog-0009 copym&cblog-0010 copym&cblog-0011 copym&cblog-0012 copym&cblog-0013 copym&cblog-0014 copym&cblog-0015 copym&cblog-0016 copy 


Wedding Story: Lin and Caryanne


Family Story: The Efirds are Expecting!