Family Story: The Winnell Family

WinnellFamily-0008 copyThis is my fifth year with the Winnell family in front of my camera - you can see the past four years here!  I always enjoy photographing this family.  They are always up to doing whatever and their sweet little lady is always excited to be in front of the camera.... except these days she's looking less like a little girl and more like a teenager!   It's so wild to watch these kids grow up in front of my lens!  I am now one of those adults that thinks and says things like "Wow you've gotten so tall!" and "You look so grownup!"  I get it now.  This awesome chick is still dancing her heart out and I know she will continue to do amazing things!WinnellFamily-0012 copyWinnellFamily-0025 copyWinnellFamily-0037 copyWinnellFamily-0047 copyWinnellFamily-0050 copyWinnellFamily-0054 copyWinnellFamily-0065 copyWinnellFamily-0071 copyWinnellFamily-0078 copyWinnellFamily-0085 copyWinnellFamily-0113 copyNAS_0489 copyWinnellFamily-0119 copyWinnellFamily-0133 copyWinnellFamily-0149 copyWinnellFamily-0168 copy


Engagement Story: Elizabeth & Neil


Wedding Story: Kristin & Emily