Family Story: Kelly Family Newborn Shoot

AK0152s_650The last time you saw the Kelly family on the blog it was for their maternity mini shoot for their soon-to-be new addition… and now he’s here! The whole family is so excited to welcome their new little one, but big brother and big sister are THE MOST excited. They were very eager to be super helpful and get a hold of their new baby brother. It was so precious! I mean, can you even deal with how stinking cute the sibling shots are?! We can’t!One thing we love about newborn shoots with older kids in the house is, sometimes when the baby takes a break, it means that it's time for us to play with the older kiddos a bit. They are adjusting to having a new human upset the order of things in the house and it’s nice to give them some of our undivided attention. :)Y’all can probably see it, but there’s just so much love in this family. It was an honor for Ashley to document this special moment in their family story.Also, we want to give a shout out to mom Anna, who is a Covid ICU nurse and continued to do her job while pregnant. She's seen some things and wants us all to wash our hands and wear our masks! Thanks for all that you do, Anna! AND congrats on your new little bundle of joy!AK0001s_650AK0003s_650AK0006s_650AK0011s_650AK0014s_650AK0021s_650AK0025s_650AK0029s_650AK0033s_650AK0034s_650AK0037s_650AK0051s_650AK0053s_650AK0060s_650AK0065s_650AK0066s_650AK0073s_650AK0077s_650AK0080s_650AK0082s_650AK0086s_650AK0094s_650AK0101s_650AK0104s_650AK0110s_650AK0113s_650AK0116s_650AK0118s_650AK0122s_650AK0133s_650AK0138s_650AK0147s_650AK0153s_650


Commercial Story: fitRDU Merch Mini Shoot


Family Story: Serafino-Yount Family Shoot At Pullen Park