Senior Story: Teagan Tillman
OOOO, Y’all! I don’t even know where to begin with this shoot!!
The lines. The grace. This dancer. That landscape.
Teagan and I had so much fun dreaming together about this artist venture. I photographed Teagan years ago with his family and through Facebook saw that he had become quite the accomplished dancer. He is heading off soon to college for dance, and I just had this feeling that we needed to collaborate.
I love photographing dancers. It's incredible to me the shapes they can create with their bodies, and the way they are so in tune with all their bodies are capable of.
Teagan and I talked ahead of time about what kind of location they were both thinking, what kind of outfits might work, and if there were any important props he wanted to incorporate. We ended up keeping it simple in the end to not distract from his art on top of that beautiful nature backdrop. And the props - including the book that was a gift from one of his dance teachers - were just the perfect touch.