See Her Story 2017

SHS3rdcopyIt is my great honor to share with you the details of the 3rd annual See Her Story fundraiser!!  YAY!  I LOVE this night every year.  This year the fundraiser for InterAct takes place on April 30, 2017 from 5-9pm at The Flourish Market.  The event is floating - we made the hours longer this year because the venue is much smaller than previous years so we need to control traffic a little more than before.  You can read more about the idea blossoming here, and how the first year turned out here and here.  Then if you're really into it, you can read how the second year went here.  But if you aren't into following all the links, let me share my heart right here...I have been photographing people for a long time now and I have observed that women are funny about being photographed.  They give me a laundry list of things they want me to change about them in photoshop.  They hide behind other family members, or grab someone else to be in the picture with them so they don't have to be alone.  I get it, being photographed is vulnerable.  And our society has set up all kinds of body image issue traps that most of us fall into.  I also know that women have a VERY hard time doing something just for ourselves, am I right?  So, you need to be photographed - for your work headshot, for your social media profile picture, so your family has a photographic record that you exist.  The See Her Story event gives you the chance to come be photographed, just you, however you want to be seen. I have women come get professional headshots done, they come in their work uniforms to tell who they are in every day life, the come dressed up super fancy, or wear every day clothes. It's your picture, you choose!  To get in the door to get your picture taken, you must bring a monetary donation of atleast $50 for InterAct and/or atleast 6 items off the most needed resources list (see below).  So you aren't just getting a picture taken for you, you are also giving to other women (and children) in need in Wake County.On top of all that, this year the See Her Story fundraiser will be held at The Flourish Market.  Do you know about this store?  Emily is the founder, owner, heart and soul and energy behind this shop where you can buy beautiful clothes and gifts and accessories and know that you are supporting vulnerable populations here in the United States and around the world.  Emily is a boss lady who travels the globe on her calling to serve people - she meets with the artisans, she creates jobs, she empowers.  I am blown away by all this woman has accomplished and plans to accomplish - Emily is a force, y'all.  So NOT ONLY will your purchases with her help these different vulnerable populations (when you check out, ask her who benefits from what you are buying, she can tell you the details for each brand), she has also SO GRACIOUSLY offered to give a portion of the profits that night to InterAct.  I mean, can you even?!  While you are shopping and eating/drinking something delicious guess what else.  The incredibly sweet and talented Joanne from Joanne Maye Beauty will be there with some fabulous colleagues in tow to provide professional hair and makeup touch ups before you get your picture taken by me.  HELLO GIRLS NIGHT.  I adore you and can't wait to see you there!Here is the current resources needed list: Screen Shot 2017-04-20 at 9.43.12 PMScreen Shot 2017-04-20 at 9.42.56 PMScreen Shot 2017-04-20 at 9.43.06 PM


Engagement Story: Megan Proposes to Sam


Senior Story: Alexandra