Personal Story: The Holidays

(David's parents dogs)

David and I loooooooove the holiday season.  From Thanksgiving to New Years is the best.  For a few years after my Dad died I had a really hard time adjusting to a "new normal" over the holidays but I think I am finally getting to a place where I can appreciate them again instead of dread them.  This year we were in the midst of wrapping up the busiest fall we had ever had, but it was still super important to us to stop and spend time with those we love.  I know its already a month into the new year, but I just had to share some images of our time with both of our families starting the week of Thanksgiving and ending over new years.  I've mixed in all our experiences with our families and hope you enjoy a glimpse into our world.

David's parents got chickens this fall and it was so fun to watch them free range in the backyard and to see if they laid any eggs for us.

2012 brought TWO babies into David's family, a niece and a nephew for us, so we just had to bust out our pro camera for Thanksgiving with David's family...

There were four generations around the Thanksgiving table in Jacksonville this year...

The rest of these were taken with our point&shoot camera but hey, they are important to have as well!  We had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner with my Mom, sister and "fake" family members the Raimer-Goodmans.


Then I have to include iPhone shots from November-January 1st, 2012 because sometimes in order to grab a good moment quickly, you just have to use your smart phone.  It's all you've got on you.  And it works.


Family Story: Welcome to the world, Brynlee!


Family Story: The Diaz Family