Personal Story: Hear Ashley on The Girl Inspired Project

ashley_stephenson_story_photographers_find_your_callingIt is always such an honor to be interviewed for a podcast or blog for creative entrepreneurs. Joanne came up with such thoughtful questions and I had the best time reflecting on how we've gotten to where we are, fourteen years after starting this thing. I talk about how we got to this point, what are my words or advice for other business owners, what things looked like for my business when my dad took his own life and when I was going through a divorce.  You know, tiny little things like that.Oh, and Joanne also gave me some little pushes here and there to do a thing that has been in the back of my mind awhile (you might be hearing about my offering business consultations soon, friends).  In the day to day grind of running a business, sometimes I forget to stop and look back at the big picture of what's gone on around here.Have I made mistakes? Yup.Have there been times looking back that I wish that I had made a different decision about something?  Yup.But no matter what, I am proud of myself and my team (in its various forms over the years) for all that we've accomplished and all that we have yet to accomplish.  I can't believe I get to do this.  I love doing this.  Thank you for allowing me to do this!!Join me over on The Girl Inspired Project to hear what Joanne and I talked about!


Janie is a Senior!


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