Personal Story: Bubble Bath

ThabisoBubbles0001 copyHe might kill me for it later, but last weekend my little brother was taking a bubble bath while sleeping over at our house and I just could not help myself.  He so rarely lets me take pictures of him with my "big camera" that I have to take the chance when I can.  He is just so precious and having the best time.  I could not help but remember that the last time I had taken a picture of him in the bath tub was in December 2006 (seen right below this text), when we were at his orphanage for the second time to volunteer and we were still so in love with this little stinker with the stormy face.  The little kids would line up naked and take turns getting washed up in this bucket by some of the older girls.  I can't help but think about how now he doesn't have to stand in line naked or share his bath water with many other kids (and that we still get to see that stormy look from time to time, HA). Please enjoy my documentation of bath time for my little brother, then and now.

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Wedding Story: Becca and Jon


Family Story: Welcome to the world, Baby I!