Personal Story: Addison Turns One!


Last February we introduced you to our new niece, Addison!  David and I became an aunt and uncle for the first time and it has been so much fun!  We just wish we lived closer so we could hug this  little lady more often.  We were so excited to be at Addison's first birthday party.  I can hardly believe it's been a year since she was born.  Jon and Karissa, we love the two of you so much and thank you for having such an incredibly sweet daughter that brings so much joy to our lives!

You don't have two photographers in the family and not get pictures of every important family event :)


Addison is lucky enough to have three uncles, and here she is with the two Teeter uncles and her Daddy...


One of our presents to Addison was bubbles and I was thrilled to get a few minutes with her playing with the bubbles... the squeals and giggles over the bubbles were music to my ears!


I could not get over how beautiful the light was in this room so it was a perfect place to get a few shots of the birthday girl in all her one year old glory :)


We love you silly, smart, beautiful, wonderful girl!!


Commercial Story: Cortland


Referral Story: Lindsey's Bridal