Family Story: The Rogerson Family

rogersonblog-0001It gives me great joy to share this family's recent shoot with you.  The Rogersons, well Lance in particular, loooooove the beach so it just made sense that this shoot was at Wrightsville Beach.  Bo, their sweet little man, is so expressive that any time he smiles he has to make exclamatory noises to go along with it.  He's just that joyful!  Lance and Amber have been in front of my camera several times since their engagement shoot in 2007 (you can also see them on the blog here and here) and it just such a huge honor that they keep coming back for more Story Photographer goodness.  We are so thankful for your support, Lance and Amber - we love y'all!rogersonblog-0002rogersonblog-0003rogersonblog-0004

 Amber always has an amazing quilt or blanket that she has made to bring to the shoots... LOVE the colors on this one!


 The sun kept going in and out of the clouds so that was a little tricky... but there was a light, warmer breeze... blue skies and water... sigh.  Can't argue with those conditions.


 Bo was favoring Mommy during this shoot, so any time we could sneak him into Dad's arms, we tried it.  Worked out twice for us...


 Love a moment alone for parents...



Senior Story: Lauren


Personal Story: Bringing my little brother home...