Family Story: The Johnson Family

JFamily-0009 copyIt's been amazing photographing families year to year.  I know get a little bit of that "how does time fly so fast when it comes to kids" when every year I see these sweet faces, and then new additions to families and suddenly they are walking and have little personalities and and and.  It's amazing.  I always love having the Johnson family in front of my camera.  This year the youngest lady of the family decided we were good friends upon arrival, which I love, and we had many good conversations.  I love how innocently and earnestly kids strike up conversations with adults that they trust.  SO much fun for me :)JFamily-0014 copyJFamily-0022 copyJFamily-0029 copyJFamily-0039 copyJFamily-0055 copyJFamily-0061 copyJFamily-0071 copyJFamily-0086 copyJFamily-0081 copyNAS_4605 copy


Wedding Story: Remy & Jason


Family Story: Baby L turns ONE!