Family Story: The Bulk Family

Bulk041Since Rebecca joined Story Photographers full time, I've loved getting to know families she's photographed in the past even if it's just seeing their photos in the office. One of those families is the Bulk family, pictured here at Joyner Park in Wake Forest.Here's what she had to say about this beautiful family shoot :"Will was one of the first people I met in college my freshman year! Years down the road, I had the privilege of photographing his wedding to Michele. Then their little ones came along. I love watching their family grow, and I love that they chose Joyner Park for their photos because they love spending time out there as a family."Bulk003Bulk005Bulk011Bulk022Bulk024Bulk029Bulk032Bulk033Bulk037Bulk052Bulk055Bulk063Bulk066Bulk067Bulk069Bulk076Bulk081Bulk084Bulk090Bulk094Bulk095Bulk100Bulk105Bulk112Bulk116Bulk123Bulk130Bulk132Bulk134Bulk141Bulk147


Sunflower Story: The Ziefle Family


Commercial Story: Benson Dentistry