Family Story: Gannon Family

Maggie is one year old!  Let me tell you, one is a challenging age to photograph.  They are mobile and curious, they aren't bribe-able yet, and when they aren't into it there is no asking them to fake it.  So instead of trying to make a one year old something that they are not, instead we just went with it.  We let Maggie be curious (she loved the camera- as in wanting to hold it), explore new places, smell and sometimes taste new things.

We started out at Maggie's house...

See?  She loved the camera.

Maggie  loves peek-a-boo...

After a quick outfit change we headed to Rappl's Farm which is right down the street from where Maggie's family lives.  This farm is so cute with tons of chickens, flowers and some produce.

We could not stop talking about how cute it was that Maggie coordinated with this chicken egg basket we found. So. Stinkin'. Cute.

Maggie also loves blowing kisses right now...

Gannon Family, what a fun day hanging out at your house and at the farm down the street.  I had such a great time chasing after Maggie and experiencing what a sweet lady she already is at one year old!!


Wedding Story: Caroline and Zach


Personal: Back to Nature