Family Story: Baby G's Birth Day

BabyG-0011 copyNo matter what is going on I feel like time stands still when a new life enters the world.  I have loved being a witness to this precious growing family's story - check out their engagement shoot, waiting for Baby A, Baby A arrives, and a big family shoot.  Baby G took his sweet time getting here but it seems like he was worth the wait ;). Can you stand how adorable he is?!  SO STINKIN CUTE.  Then to make things even cuter, I got to document Baby G's big sister meeting him for the first time.  That big sister was unsure for a second but then once she got that baby in her arms she was smitten.  Babies have the toughest job - eat/sleep/poop... and let everyone eat you up with kisses and cuddles.BabyG-0027 copyBabyG-0041 copyBabyG-0047 copyBabyG-0067 copyBabyG-0069 copyBabyG-0073 copyBabyG-0080 copyBabyG-0099 copyBabyG-0104 copyBabyG-0110 copyBabyG-0116 copyBabyG-0121 copyBabyG-0137 copyBabyG-0171 copyBabyG-0174 copyBabyG-0181 copyBabyG-0185 copyBabyG-0189 copy


Wedding Story: Rachel and Adam


Family Story: The Parrish Family