Commercial Story: Em Dash Paper Co.

emdash-0001 copyWe are sooooo excited to finally spill the beans -- one of our past brides (she's been on our blog four timesEmily is the featured seller on Etsy today!  Emily had me come to her super awesome Em Dash Paper Co studio a few weeks ago to photograph her and her work for the feature.  When we first booked Emily and her fiancé for their wedding a few years back, I totally remember looking at their paperwork and thinking WHOA, Emily's handwriting is unreal.  Just prefect and gorgeous.  You MUST go over to her etsy shop today and look around (and then buy something).  How beautiful is her work?  Beautiful yet so quirky and fun. I am excited to share images here from her shoot that did not make the Etsy feature.  Here are some excerpts of Emily quotes from her Etsy feature..."It’s hard to say when or how I started hand-lettering, because I’ve always had very neat penmanship (surprise twist: I’m a robot). Starting a lettering business just felt like a natural next step, an extension of who I’ve been and what I’ve loved doing all along. My shop, originally called Sparrow Nest Script, opened in 2011 while I was finishing a Master’s degree and worrying about finding a job. It took off right away, which was incredibly unexpected and fortunate. Three years and a name change later, I’m still so lucky to work at home in my own comfortable space and to be my own boss.There are definitely difficult aspects of running a small business, but I also get to throw some pretty crazy office dance parties with my cat, and that makes up for a lot.Something I’m really working on right now, though, is letting my own brain show up more in what I draw. At heart I’m a big weirdo with an out-of-control imagination, but historically I’ve held back in favor of making designs I think will sell. That’s so backward! “If you build it, they will come,” right? I’m learning that if I just let myself create what I want to create, the right people (my people!) will find it, love it, and hopefully want to take it home."

Congrats Emily!  We are so excited for your feature - you so deserve it!!

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Family Story: Alexis turns One!


Family Story: Emily and Duvan are Expecting!