Personal Story: Our Ninth Anniversary

9annivs From top to bottom, reading left to right, Behold! Anniversaries 1-9. We are in the business of weddings so I can't help but talk about marriage (your wedding is not the same as your marriage). So if you've been connected with me on social media for awhile you might be rolling your eyes at another anniversary post but hey, it's what we do. We tell love stories and encourage love.   This week on our ninth anniversary it was just one of those days...  sometimes life isn't perfect on special days such as this. There was work and tears and big conversations and lots of adulting.... But at the end of that day, like every day for nine years, David and I can say that we still chose each other. That the hard work of marriage is work that is worth it when you choose the right person. So the next day we took a do over. We postponed our anniversary and it ended up being a very low key, very relaxing one. David Teeter, I do love you so much and could not be more thankful for you.  PS I've said it before and I will say it again- be in pictures with your favorite people.


Family Story: Baby I turns One... then has a party!


Family Story: Welcome to the world, Baby G!