Personal Story: Happy Birthday Rebecca!!

Becca20001 copyToday is Rebecca's birthday and I am here to tell you the truth- I am thanking the LORD that she was born!  In the coming weeks you are going to learn more about this woman who has been working with us for years, but recently has taken on a bigger role in Story Photographers.  Friends, Becca has had a front row seat to my life the past couple of years that no one else has.  As I experienced upheaval and grief in my personal life through the separation and divorce, there were also ways that I was grieving the changes to my business without my original business partner.  Rebecca stepped in at just the right time, with a personality that balances mine SO well it's uncanny.  This woman is so gentle, patient and kind, letting me feel what I need to feel and somehow knowing exactly when I need a little nudge here and there.  She is so loving and faithful - she is always pointing me back to What Matters Most.  I am going to talk about this soon as well but y'all, she's also just so freaking good at her job.  I am incredibly picky about who I work with and I completely trust this woman.Recently Rebecca and I realized we needed new head shots so we planned to venture from the office to take each other's pictures. Even though we were trying hard to practice what we preach about being photographed, we were still typical in our feelings of insecurity being photographed alone.  We gave each other (and ourselves) pep talks before getting out of the car and just had FUN.  You know what I love?  These two were our favorites of ourselves:Becca0026 copyAshley0001 copyWhat a gift y'all, what a gift.  Rebecca, you are a gift to me.  You are one of the reasons why I can smile like I mean it now, and that I can laugh knowing I can take on anything that comes my way.  You bring joy into my world (did you notice how many fruits of the spirit I used while describing you??) !  You are an incredible business partner and I cannot thank you enough for being on this journey with me.  I hope you feel so very loved and celebrated today!


Family Story: The Efirds Are Expecting, Again!


Wedding Story: Adam & Sarah